Friday, May 10, 2013

Lost on the Mountain

When I was 16, I was invited to join my good friend Elizabeth, her parents, and her great aunt (actually, I think it was her great, great aunt) on an unforgettable summer adventure in Colorado.  Now, granted this was long ago, and I don't have the details written down, so....

We (mainly her dad) decided it would be fun for the three of us to climb Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park If we got up at 2 in the morning, we'd be able to complete the ascent and descent in one day.  Okay. Sure. 

Climbing in the cold, darkness of predawn with layers of clothing, we created pudgy selves. With a fast metabolism and little adipose tissue at that age, I was always hungry. Wtih concern for altitude sickness, Elizabeth's dad allowed only the occasional grape. (HANGRY, ME!)

The terrain changed drastically the higher we went, and the trail became more and more of a challenge. Wow, we were actually above the tree line!  I recall being inspired (or put to shame) by a mom with a little boy about 6 years old who passed us by with a smile and a wave. Overall, I was feeling pretty good other than the hunger, but my best friend was feeling the effects of the altitude. I forged ahead, joining up with a girl a few years my senior who shared a peanut butter sandwich with me. (THANK YOU, STRANGER!)

File:Keyhole.jpgWe all made it to the peak, signed the book, rested, and ate more grapes before beginning the trip down the mountain. Elizabeth was feeling really ill, and I was impatient and independently minded, so again, I forged onward without my friends. The path was fairly obvious until one reached what is known as the Boulder Field which is exactly as its name implies.  A huge expanse of large rocks, the so-called trail was marked by small piles of stones.  (At least this was the way it was marked in these days; I don't know whether or not it has changed.)

Common sense would say that I should wait at this point for Elizabeth and her dad to catch up, but now I know I can blame my brain's frontal lobe for not being fully connected, and I did not wait. I was well onto the field of rocks, and struggling to find the marker stones, when faster than you can say "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt," fog began to cover the field getting thicker by the augenblick. Afraid of falling off the mountain if I continued my journey over the arduous terrain, I sat.  Now the imagination switched on, and trapped in the obscure cloud, the horrors of "lost on the mountain" took over the brain. "Teen dies of starvation. Teen kidnapped by deranged mountain man. Teen eaten by a mountain lion. Yikes!  Carol, stop thinking like that! What to do? What to do? Help me, Jesus!"  
Songs began to fill my heart and come out of my mouth. One chorus after another quietly filled the mountain fog. Time passed. Was it 15 minutes or 2 hours?  The dense cloud began to lift, and I soon heard voices calling my name. Found by my dear friend and her dad, I strayed NOT from their presence the rest of the way down.  

In the scripture passage for Sunday morning, Brother Mick will be sharing from Acts 16 where Paul and Silas are praying and singing hymns during their imprisonment. I've always thought about them as being relaxed and confident of God's impending intervention during this time for them, but now I wonder if it might have felt like being lost on a mountain. Perhaps the singing helped to calm and focus them. Brother Mick will be examining various aspect of this exceptional occurrence. I hope you can join us!  

I will join you in the Upper Room. :) 

Twenty-one years ago, May 10 was Mother's Day, and I received the best gift ever. Happy Birthday, Taylor Michelle! 

We grieve with our church family at the deaths of  Larry Hershey, and George Esh.  Praying that the light of the Divine surrounds your families with peace and comfort. 

A prayer for today: I lift up my eyes to the hills--from where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and earth. Gracious God, remind us of your constant presence and provision.  Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God. On earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN. 

Without question or doubt, you are LOVED by GOD, and I love you too! 
Need to talk?  Contact me! 

Love and Light, 

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd

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