Friday, September 9, 2011

Many of you from the Lancaster county area no doubt remember the notorious and vicious murder of a young woman by Lisa M. Lambert.  During one of the many debacles of her post trial and incarceration when she was in the news, my then 8 year old daughter was reading an article about her in the newspaper.  She looked up at me and said, "Mommy, doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?"

Whoa-- how do you explain this to an 8 year old? This was a vicious and violent crime! We talked about justice and consequences being an important part of life. Even so, she was adamant that Jesus said to forgive and give more chances. As I think about our Creator's love and open-armed chances for us, I am  relieved, (and sometimes irritated!) that we are loved and forgiven so undeservedly and completely. If God stopped in his love at justice, we would all be condemned!  Forgiveness and Grace.  Grace and Forgiveness-- not because of who we are or what we do but because of who God is and what God is about.  Thank you, Jesus.  Now the hard part.  Becoming more like Jesus.  What would that mean for me if I would come face to face with this vicious murderer?  I wonder how Jesus approaches her.

This week Brother Mick will be challenging us to think about Jesus' words in Matthew 18 about forgiveness, even more that that I suspect we'll be challenged to live forgiveness and grace.  Ours is a world that embraces the myth of redemptive violence but is longing for, yes, yearning for healing and hope. We can say, "That's too hard; Jesus didn't really mean for us to live that way."   Ahhh... the foolishness of God!  All over the world innocent lives are lost by the violence of human kind.  This weekend we are especially remembering the attacks on that day in September 10 years ago when so many innocent people died.  Yet, I am not convinced that retaliation is the answer.  In fact, I would say violence begets violence begets violence begets violence....  I know we don't all agree on this, and I'd be glad to listen to your perspective if you want to talk about it.

As a reader of fiction, I am often touched by the truth found on the pages. For those of us who are JRR Tolkien geeks, you may remember the conversation between Gandalf and Frodo with regards to Gollum and Bilbo, "He deserves death." (Frodo about Gollum)   "Deserves it!  I daresay he does.  Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life.  Can you give it to them?  Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.  For even the very wise cannot see all ends."  (Gandalf) p. 60  Fellowship of the Ring   And yes, these books contain many elements of the myth of redemptive violence, yet there is an underlying message of  self-sacrifice and servant hood. OK.... I could go on and on.  Perhaps some of us should get together for a book discussion of these classics! The movie quotes it almost exactly.

I hope you've not had too much damage from flooding.  Be safe!

Ice cream and games at Rick and Gwen's tonight around 6:30! :)

We will be back in Sunday school this week starting at 9am.  Etta will be joining the young adults in the Upper Room which the last I checked is almost enclosed; it may even be finished by now!  I plan to be at the daughters' soccer tournament at Mary Washington this weekend, so I won't be there to see you.

The church picnic is at 5pm at the Intercourse park on Sunday.  "Minute to Win It"  games will be the fun of the night, and of course delicious food.  BBQ chicken will be provided, and you should bring a covered dish to share:  A-L  dessert; M-Z  side dish or salad.  Yummy!
My prayer for you today:
Creator God, you are our lifegiver, our hope, our peace, our light-- As you are to us, let us be to others. Mercy, grace, and peace rest upon the readers today, Lord.  Come Kingdom of God, be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven.  In the name of Jesus. AMEN

Without doubt or question, you are loved by God, and I love you too.  Coffee anyone? :)

love and light, carol

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference!  Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. "  jd

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