Our so called shelters for this trip were small pup tents, that were like wedge-shaped crypts for people who suffered claustrophobia, in which we slept 3 people. One windy and rainy night, my tent mates and I could see our little structure beginning to sink. We bent our knees to keep our faces from being obstructed by the drooping walls, and I stuck my arm out the zipper-door to support the front pole. Since sleep was out of the question, I thought I might as well try to keep our heads dry! Finally with a huge gust of wind, the tent totally collapsed, and we had to get out of our flimsy enclosure and attempt to reassemble our "house of straw" in the midst of the tempest.
Our so called shelters for this trip were small pup tents, that were like wedge-shaped crypts for people who suffered claustrophobia, in which we slept 3 people. One windy and rainy night, my tent mates and I could see our little structure beginning to sink. We bent our knees to keep our faces from being obstructed by the drooping walls, and I stuck my arm out the zipper-door to support the front pole. Since sleep was out of the question, I thought I might as well try to keep our heads dry! Finally with a huge gust of wind, the tent totally collapsed, and we had to get out of our flimsy enclosure and attempt to reassemble our "house of straw" in the midst of the tempest.
(A "shout out" to Peg, one of my companions on this trip, who said, "Let's keep journals!" I am so glad!)
The primary text for Brother Mick's message this week is I Peter 2:2-10 where Peter calls Christ the cornerstone, and says we are living stones being built into the very house of God. What are the images that come to your mind as you think about stones and buildings? What does having Jesus as the cornerstone of one's life mean? How can we be living stones? I like the image of God's people being "houses of God" where people can find sanctuary, love, and peace. John 14:1-14 is also a listed text of the week. This is the familiar, "Do not your hearts be troubled.... in my house there are many dwelling-places..." . I hope you can join us!
If I'm recalling correctly, Allison and Spencer graduate this weekend from Coastal College! Congratulations!
The young adult class is invited to Bob and Jill's for lunch on Sunday. Go to the Rigeview Mennonite Young Adults fb page to rsvp. I have no doubt it will be delicious and fun!
A few more helpers are needed for Vacation Bible School June 20-23. Let me know if you are interested!
Oh, and the senior high youth are providing trash clean up for the community Heritage Days event. Would you be willing to help them out? June 18-- pretty much all day. June 19-- morning only. Let me know!
My prayer for you today: Creator God, as we experience shifts and changes in our lives, help us to recognize the constancy of your love. As the storms and clouds pervade, remind us that you are the cornerstone of our shelter, Jesus, the place where our trust and hope dwell. As we face doubt and indecision, tune our ears to listen to the voice of your Spirit. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN
You are loved by God, and I love you too. If I can be a support to you in anyway, please let me know!
love and light, carol
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " JD
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