Friday, July 22, 2011


(1981)I stood by the edge of the dusty road and waved my arm up and down hoping that someone would stop.  I thought the bus was going to come by at 8am, but it was well past that time, and no bus.   After a weekend with the other "Goshens" at Listowel Boys School in Cayo District of Belize, I needed to return to the medical clinic in Benque Viejo del Carmen, a beautiful little village near the Guatemalan border where I would be serving for the next 5 weeks. So, here I stood on the side of this dusty road and waved my arm up and down, and almost immediately a rusty old pick up stopped.  The 5 men already in the back of the truck smiled and nodded hellos, and one of the men gave up his seat on the spare tire for me.  We continued the drive, the free taxi stopping and starting for pick ups and drop offs.  When we arrived in San Ignacio, I hopped out of the truck waving my thanks, and headed up the big hill toward Benque Viejo.


 Hola!  said a young pregnant woman with a big smile.  Ahh, one of the women from the clinic! It's amazing how a smile and a familiar face can warm the soul. We chatted about her pregnancy and her community as we walked  and then bid one another farewell as our ways diverged. I continued my journey receiving greetings and various, ummm, interesting invitations from the men at the Scottish (I think--I'll have to check with my friend Jan!)  army post which I politely refused and continued to walk until a great big road truck driven by a Jamaican man stopped and offered me a lift.  He was not as enamoured with Belize as I was and was planning to return to Jamaica after Christmas.  When his path turned away from the road to Benque, I climbed out of the big truck and continued to hike along this road that basically cut through the rain forest.  Just a few miles away were the incredible Mayan Ruins called Xunantunich  This time it was a driver with a jeep full of young boys that stopped to offer me a ride. We chatted, and I told him about Goshen College's Study Service Program which brought me to this beautiful and friendly country.  He dropped me off about a mile from my destination, and I prepared to walk only to have the postman stop to take me the rest of the way.

When I reflect on those 2 short hours of my life, I'm reminded of the beauty and vibrancy in the ordinary journeys of life.  For me, the experience was extraordinary, but had I lived in Belize, it may have been mundane and tedious.  What am I not noticing and appreciating in my everyday tasks and trips today?  George Fox founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) said, "Walk joyfully on the earth and respond to that of God in every human being."  I like that.
From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. 2 Cor. 5:16 

I hope you can join us at Ridgeview this Sunday as the senior high youth will be implementing the entire service. Using their experience from the Mennonite Convention in Pittsburgh, the youth will sing and tell about "Bridges to the Cross," sharing scripture, songs, seminar learnings, and photos from this inspiring week. I'm not sure what will be happening in the Upper Room on Sunday.  I know that those who were there last week were blessed by Eric's time with them. Sunday School begins at 9am--Worship Service at 10:15am.   Check out the Ridgeview Mennonite Young Adult fb page for a homemade icecream event next week at Rick and Gwen's!!/groups/158265147558908

My prayer for you today:  Creator God, as many of us are sweltering in this intense heat, we know that there are streams of living water in you.  Cool and refresh our hearts and minds even as our bodies labor and sweat.  Guide our feet as we journey in life. Hold our hands as we walk along the road.  Grant us shade as we wilt in the intensity of life.  Open our eyes to see you in the people we meet along the road.  For those suffering loss and experiencing pain, be a healing balm.  For those struggling with anxieties and relationship problems, reveal yourself in new ways. Help us to bridge the gaps between us; to be reconcilers to one another as you have been to us. Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name.  Amen

Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!  Contact me anytime!
love and light, carol

"Always remember who you are, whose you are, what you believe, and where you are going, because it does make a difference.  Oh, and don't forget to attend the church of your choosing this week."   jd

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