The Lord always keeps his promises;
he is gracious in all he does.
The Lord helps the fallen
and lifts those bent beneath their loads. Psalm 145:13b-14
he is gracious in all he does.
The Lord helps the fallen
and lifts those bent beneath their loads. Psalm 145:13b-14
"Oh, Mommy! I love you!" exclaimed my 5 year old as she hugged my waist while I washed dishes.
"I love you too," I responded turning and squatting so I could be eye level with her.
"You know, Mommy, if you hadn't married Daddy, I wouldn't be here," she said with her little arms wrapped around my neck.
Hmmmm, where is this going? "That's right, Honey."
"And if you would have married another man and breeded with him, I wouldn't be here then, either."
Oh, she was so serious, so sincere. Oh, she was watching waaay to much "Animal Planet!"
I've spent my adult life in various settings working with infants, children, and teens. What delight! Children that haven't been "broken" by fractured adults aren't afraid to look you in the eyes when you're in the grocery store. They aren't afraid to give you a hug. They aren't afraid to climb into your lap and snuggle. (This is why our laps become bigger as we have children-more room is needed!) :) They aren't afraid to cry when they are hurting. They know that mommy will not hold it against them when they puke all over her. They know they can run to
daddy when they are frightened. (I recall a little girl who practically climbed up her daddy while at the Phila Zoo when the lion roared not 10 feet away!) They know mommy or daddy will carry them into their beds when they fall asleep in their carseats. When they have a bad dream, they crawl into the parents' bed. They can dance in the rain, roll in the grass, eat a dripping ice cream cone, laugh out loud at the butterfly perched on grandma's head, tussle with daddy, cry when their friend is crying, and be themselves, silly, creative, inquisitive, vulnerable,and emotional.
Kelsey, you know what I mean when I sigh deeply and say, "Oh, Daddy!" :)
At 9am we will be gathering in the Upstairs room, and I am planning on joining you this week. I look forward to seeing you!
Please pray for Julie, Nathan, Sarah, and I as we head to Pittsburgh for the Mennonite Convention. Julie will be attending some of the Young Adult sessions, and Sarah, Nathan, and I will be shepherding the senior high youth. There will be others from Ridgeview and with Ridgeview connections present. I'm looking forward to seeing some of you there, particularly my eldest daughter and her hubby! :)
My prayer for you today: Creator God, you call us to your lap, healing us, teaching us, carrying us. "Oh, Daddy!" we cry and will be answered, for Jesus, you have shown us the love of our Creator for us. We are called your children! Thank you! Help us, Lord, to gain understanding, to gain childlike trust, to be vulnerable so that our souls learn to acknowlege and be aware of your presence within and all around us. As we are healed by your grace and love, let your healing and hope flow through us to the world. Come kingdom of God. Be done will of God, here on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN
I hope to at least post a "Hello from Pittsburgh" note next Friday. If you don't hear from me, well, breathe an extra prayer for me! :)
Without question or doubt, you are love by God, and I love you too.
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend. " JD
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