Ranck's United Methodist Church |
Would I get the creamy and delicious broccoli cheddar soup with the Mediterranean veggie sandwich or perhaps the chipotle chicken panini? Hmmmmm and Mmmmmmmm!
Panera Bread
I arrived a few minutes early for my lunch date with Joanne, and there were a gazillion other people who were in line pondering their lunch options. Opening the door for young moms, elderly couples, mothers and daughters, and friend groups, I made myself the unofficial greeter. A man of undistinguishable age and ethnicity came in and paused.
"I think the nicer weather must be bringing them out," he said. "It's busier than usual for this time."
His clothes were shabby with a combination of layers not unlike Raj from "The Big Bang Theory"(
and the way his collar laid flat against him caused me to consider if they were also his pajamas.
"Church" entered our conversation, and he said, "I used to go with my girlfriend and always left feeling
inspired and cleansed." Wow.
As people continued to flow through the doors, he got in line, and we bid one another a "good day." I was kinda wondering if I should offer to buy him lunch, but I didn't.
The soup and sandwich won out, and now Joanne and I had the daunting task of finding a place to dispatch our fare. Every table and booth in that place was occupied.
"We could sit in the car," I half-jokingly suggested.
About that time the man I had been conversing with earlier observed our plight and with a smile and a nod beckoned us to join him at his table for four. For the next ten or fifteen minutes we made small talk as he ate his bagel with cream cheese, and we enjoyed our lunches.
Isn't it ironic that I stood in line wondering if I should buy this man lunch, and he freely offered a welcoming place for Joanne and I? I wonder what his story is? I wonder what encounters I'll have today, and if I'll be open to seeing God?
This week Brother Mick's message is called, "It Can't Be. Can It?" His sermon text is John 4:5-42 which is the story of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Mick in his presermon notes says, "It makes perfect sense to me that there will be times in our lives when, like the Samaritan woman, we will have an experience or gain an insight and ask ourselves in all sincerity, 'This can't be God, can it?' Such as this, I think is the way Jesus frequently comes to us. Not beating us over the head with cold hard truths or knocking us about because of our brokenness and sin. But rather offering the invitation to accept, to believe, to follow. To struggle with our own doubts and find faith. For the truth is, even the smallest event, the seemingly insignificant word or touch can be God's presence in our lives."
Our worship service begins at 10:15 AM with Sunday school at 9 AM. This is the third Sunday of Lent. "We encounter God through nourishment that meets our needs."
Since I did not blog last week, you may be unaware that our young friend Ashlea Loncosky Good had a brain aneurysm about 2 weeks ago. She is doing amazingly well and has moved from Hershey Medical Center to rehab. Please join me in prayer as Ashlea heals.
An Easter Choir is in the works with Mark Jackson as our guest conductor. Would you like to sing? Sign up in the lobby or be in touch with Joanne Dietzel.
Prayer for today:
O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In God's hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are God's also.The sea is God's, for God made it, and God's hands formed the dry land. Psalm 95
Gentle God, as you wrap us in your love and grace in unexpected and seemingly insignificant ways, open our eyes to the gift, power, and beauty of these moments. Grant us
courage and wisdom, grace and peace as we relate to our neighbors, both friends
and strangers. Forgive us our hubris, and help us to love with our whole hearts. Help us to practice gratitude and joy and know
that in you, Jesus, we are "enough." Wrap Ashlea and her family in your healing and comforting light. Come Kingdom of God; Be
done will of God; Here on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN
Without question or doubt, you are loved by God, and I love you too!
Love and Light,
"Always remember who you are, whose you are, where you are going, and what you believe, because it does make a difference! Oh, and don't forget to attend a church of your choice this weekend." jd